September 5th 2014

As the summer heat and fun-filled road trips come to an end, it’s time to be the best you can be during the school year, but to also be fashionably savvy, simple, and, chic.

OUTFIT: Striped T-shirt, $19.99. Express, TJ Maxx Undershirt, Boyfriend Tank. $4.99, Old Navy Skinny Jeans, Levi’s. $24.99. The Exchange Military Stores Hi-Top Converses (Black), Converse. $39.99, Shoe Carnival
ACESSORIES: Hair Clips, Assorted. $1.99 – $5.00, Dollar General Glitter Black Eye Glasses (Prescription). $49.99, “All Saints” & Assorted Bracelets. $0.99 – $4.99, CitiTrends “XOXO” Earrings, Assorted colors. $3.99, CitiTrends
OTHER ACCESSORIES (MAKEUP): Be Legendary Lip gloss in Legendary, Smashbox. $20.00, Ulta, They’re REAL Mini Mascara in Jet Black, Benefit, $10.00, Ulta Exact Match Lip Liner in Red by Lipstick Queen, $18.00, Ulta Saint Sheer Lipstick in Deep Red by Lipstick Queen, $22.00, Ulta Natural Eyes Eye shadow Palette by Too Faced, $36.00. Ulta