Some days and nights, I feel the worst, and sometimes I feel at my best. Tonight though…I definitely need to get some things off my chest.
For the most part, I feel like my world has stopped; a complete HALT, which isn’t a good feeling….I dream to hustle 💯, and hustle to follow my dreams. It never seems like it’s enough for me. I feel like my hometown and current way of life is basically “checking in, but never checking out.” Can you say “Hotel California?” lol

I work my 9-5, then do my 6-midnight shift of Youtube videos, boredom, and sometimes homework assignments that I turn in late, but all I really want is a date.

While I’m sitting at home drinking a glass of wine and listening to Drake all alone,

I wish the man of my dreams would just call me on my phone. But I guess he isn’t down for the cause…or does he even exist? I’m doing the “lookingforloveonline” surfing, but somedays….I don’t think it’s working. So I’m in celibacy/I have standards/lonely purgatory or HELL for the moment.
The world is imaginative, mysterious, and a huge place I need to explore,

but my day-to-day life is such a bore and every little thing I do feels like a chore. But I definitely know that in this life….there is more to it than meets the eye. Right now, time is passing me by, which shouldn’t be happening. I can blame it on my job, my education, or even my God forsaken town, but at the end of the day, it’s up to me.
Destiny and adventure are the keys given to me, I just haven’t used them yet.
