May 28, 2014
“Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness.” – George Orwell
Why I am Dysfunctional Today:

“I’m stronger now, or so I say, but something’s missing…what…now…???? I just can’t figure it out….I guess I’ll just wait it out.” – Rihanna
Ok…I feel so much better than I did 24 hours ago. I was definitely having a “moment.” It’s weird because I’m comfortable with myself., but I can get strung out over love and relationships. I’ve been this lovecrazyhorny person since I was a little girl (OMG!) and I can’t seem to shake it.
I decided to cut some of these Facebook dudes off (exit from groups as well) and deactivate my page for a bit. I need to focus on more positive and productive things like my relationship with God, my new internship with VAIN LLC, and college.

I tried to talk to Mom yesterday about how I felt (FB & *Tony), but she accused me of being dramatic (basically I snooped on his FB page and he found a girl a few weeks after he arrived in Europe. WTF?!? I went into a mental spiral for 24 hours).

I will NEVER bottle or suppress how I feel ever again! I did that during my 9 years of service and when something bothers me, I need to talk to someone. I hate when she thinks I’m being a DIVA or something.
I did “f” up by being nosy and paid the price, but on a real note, why do I put sex, love, and relationships on such a high pedestal?

And…it’s funny but, I’m not even bothered with my ex hubby re-uniting with his ex girlfriend from high school, but *Tony had and has me teary-eyed. Why?!?!? I guess it was more than sex….caught feelings…smh…
What would make it better today:
