July 25, 2014

As you all know, well if you read my introductory blog, I’m getting used to being out of the military, working as an intern, and continuing my education (well, I start back college on August 5th. Algebra is a “beast: so I hired a tutor. The last class I took, which was Business, was unreal and made my GPA lower. I could not go with Algebra I & II all alone. I have a GPA to maintain. I’m a year behind because of the freaking class – “double up classes time!!!”).
Also, I am interested in Human Resources, Fashion, and Public Relations. I never quit and find opportunities all around me. I have always been a “go-getter” and believe nothing in this world is free or will fall into my lap. I have to work, search, and hustle to get to the top, which can be very lonely and hard, but sacrifices must be made.
I have been searching for PR/Journalism opportunities and I had a few prospects. One company interviewed me for a PR position (Lingerie and Adult Novelty company…who would of thought?) and the other company sent me an acceptance letter without an INTERVIEW (Fashion Editorial/Journalism).

Lastly, Project Ethos e-mailed me about the Los Angeles Fashion Week event taking place in the Fall. I am highly interested in volunteering for this event + I have a Fashion PR Workshop to attend (L.A. too). It’s gong to be “Hell on Wheels” for me really soon.

I’m really thrilled about the opportunities coming my way. The only issue I have is that I do not want to overwhelm myself. I think I take a lot on due to the workload I was MADE to take in the Army. There were no excuses or reason why something could not be done, it was executed within silence and in some cases, fear. Even though I have more freedom, I know what I endured in the past and feel strong enough to take on projects/tasks. I still need to be careful in this area so I don’t crash and burn.

By the way, I decided to stay with VAIN LLC for another semester. I enjoy my time there and already know and understand the HR department and its system. Plus, VAIN will sometimes hire and will have some seniority (Remember, I just separated from the Army, so I’m getting…(drum roll) UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION!!! Yes, it’s pretty awesome, but I’m not draining it and being lazy about it. I participate in internships and apply for about 10-15 jobs per week). I’m also view this as a strategic advantage (staying with VAIN). In my opinion, life, career, dating, or anything else, is not checkers, but chess. I need successful “checkmates” to thrive and survive in terms of what the world throws at me on a daily basis.

So…I finally figured out after all these years, FASHION is for me!!!

i just could not figure out what I want to do. Also, the fears my mom instilled in me about being a broke artist cause of the pursuit of fashion. Anyways, as a “back up plan”, I’m double majoring in HR & PR. Plus these fields are slowly starting to mesh (I did my research).
Well ladies and gentleman…wish me luck on my ongoing career and life journey. GODSPEED!!!
Retrieved from Microsoft Online: Career Sign, Chess Board, and Burn Out
Other media/pictures:
Retrieved from Bing Search: Adriana Lima, Fashion Week, & Project Ethos (Backstage).