“Sexy” Intern
(Material not safe for work NSFW & children under 18 – ONLY 18+)
July 28, 2014
My work experiences have been interesting since I separated from the military back in June. I have gained so much experience in terms of being a better Human Resources Professional. Since Public Relations is part of my double major, I have been looking for opportunities in this field as well.
As you all know, I’ve been an HR Assistant with VAIN LLC (www.ericavain.com) for 2 months now, but just took on a Public Relations Intern Position with a (drum roll) SEX TOY company (I’m going to be a very busy girl)! It sounds a little odd for the fact that I am a born-again Christian and celibate (OMG!). The celibacy part might also sound crazy, but I stay focused and keep my mind off sex when I stay busy (working + college), so seeing these articles, products, and stories does not turn me on in any way, shape, or form. I do not think anything is wrong for an individual or couples to purchase sex toys or paraphernalia. Whatever happens in the bedroom is none of my business! Can I get an AMEN?!?!

Today was my first day and it was interesting. Over the weekend, I conducted research on toys and was surprised about “green” products. I did not know toys could be made of glass, wood, or stone!!! Talk about “grainin’ on that wood.”

Then today, I looked up some articles on “50 Shades of Grey” (novel) and it’s influence toward adult audiences and sex stores (BD&SM product sales went sky high!!!). Lastly, I found a few interesting articles, like this one….

No judgement here, in terms of Miss Teen Mom. To each its own….
So my day was fun and filled with lots of research, which isn’t an easy task. Wish me luck on my next few months! : )
As of August 18, 2014, I no longer intern at MSL. I enjoyed working here, but this Algebra course is taking a toll. Hopefully I can gain PR experience at a different company in the future. I guess I did a good job, because the CEO offered me 25% on any items I purchase!! I guess I’ll be shopping for new toys soon, which I need. The “lipstick” one is getting old. I need some variety!

Retrieved from :
Farrah Abraham, “Teen Mom” – http://www.inquisitr.com
Sex Toy Pics (Oral Stimulator & Nobessence Fling Dildo) – http://www.mysecretluxury.com
“50 Shades of Grey” & Consumer Influence – “Blushing Fifty Shades of Red” Interview by Rebecca Lee Douglas. http://www.studio360.org/story/214949-fifty-shades-red/
“Drunk in Love” Beyonce’ Picture, http://www.kelaskloset.com
Song excerpt: “Drunk in Love”, Knowles, B., Fisher, N., Carter, S., Proctor, A., Diaz, R., Soko, B., Mosley, T., & Harmon, J. (2014). Produced by BOOTS. Columbia Record.