I’ve been away for too long! OMG!
I am doing well ladies and gentleman. I’ve been on my job as an HR Tech for 30 days and it’s been interesting. Sometimes I get intimidated because I’m actually in a management position and wonder, “Am I over my head?” or “Can I handle the position I’m in?” I really love my job, but I have so much to do. Each day is never the same. One day I might be doing paperwork for a disciplinary action, and the next day I’m interviewing candidates for a job position.

I went to Fort Irwin, California (Army Base) for a few days to train, which was fun. No I didn’t hook up with anyone and get laid! The guys were hot, but I’m not feeling military men like I used to. Anyways, I learned a lot during my 2 days and I get some extra cash on my next paycheck. SWEET!

With other things, I passed Algebra with a C, which I’m excited about, but I feel like my grade should of been better for the fact that I paid almost $800 in tutoring!!!! I’m not using him anymore cause he argued with me on my last day of tutoring and accused me of wanting the answers. DUDE….why would I drive 200 miles a week and pay $750 if I wanted the answers. Cheating would of been a lot cheaper…trust.

On the the other hand , I’m back in college and taking Human Resources Management, which is up my alley. I should do well in this course.
I don’t want to jump the gun and say “I met someone”, but I think a guy at work has a “jones.” I’m glad he doesn’t work at the Exchange, but in one of the stores, which is a relief.

Next thing you know, we are talking about the Lord and other things, which is rare to find other Christians in this world.

I think he’s sweet, but I’m not going over my head. We are just friends and I see him whenever I do. I’ll be a classy and real lady if something comes between us, and if not, I’m going to move on and enjoy my life. Nothing is guaranteed!
I’m still waiting for the Fashion PR Confidential Workshop location so I can go ahead and purchase a hotel room. I’m excited about this workshop and I’ll find out if PR is for me or not….we shall see.

So…these are the days of my life and I’m enjoying the ride.
