Can’t Please Everyone
August 22, 2006
As I get older and become wiser through positive or negative experiences, I release not everyone will fancy me and I have to like, actually LOVE myself for who I am. People will always find things or quirks such as, “Your too skinny, too ugly, too pretty, too fat, too serious, too slutty, too goody two shoes/innocent, too loud, too quiet, too confident, too touchy, too argumentative, too many freckles, etc.)
I am a very strong, independent, woman. I have my own car, career (military), style (fashion), and everything in between. I love being myself and I don’t care what people do or say.
My point is, some people you will meet and want to pursue a relationship with may not be able to deal with the way you are and who you are as a person (confidence, poise, independence). Is it your fault? Of course not darling, it’s them!
I am not gonna lose myself to be with someone or change who I am. I am not weak and by no means, a victim. I am not going to shrivel up and die because relationships or things do not go my way (relationships can become a ‘dime-a-dozen’ situation – choose wisely). Whatever happened–just happened. I will get over it and look ahead to the future, which is always easier said than done. There will ALWAYS BE something better. (I have to tell myself that all of the time).
Take it from me, if I am not romantically interested in someone for whatever reason, we’ll, I’m just not interested. I refuse to pursue them and/or get involved either because my intentions would become wrong and it makes me the bad person in the situation, which is never good.
Also, sometimes people always find something wrong or faults with every person they become involved with romantically. If someone has a low self esteem, then they will always use various tactics(i.e. ‘bad-mouth’ or ‘Jedi mind games’) to lift themselves up and put you down in some kind of way. Whatever issues they have you just have to dust yourself off, wipe the tears, and move forward.
**I had my reasons, why I wrote this blog. Thank you for helping me get to something better!
*Beautiful Awakening : )
