Why Can’t I Sleep Tonight? (#THROWBACK)

November 6, 2013
“To begin with, the average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at 7:30am feeling just plain terrible” – Jean Kerr
Stressed the #%$@ out (Lord forgive me for my mouth*)!!

I’m really trying to be strong and on that positivity trip, but give me a break! My cash flow is slowly diminishing & Uncle Sam (Army) just extended my military contract for 6 MORE MONTHS due to this Medical Board (MEB) process. I already have a insomniac and smoking (Newports) problem – damn…I need a break (I already said that…ugh)!!! Did I mention I’ve been celibate for a few weeks now? I promise you…IT SUCKS!

You would think I would get more “shut-eye” since I go to work @ 9am (compared to O’ Dark Thirty), but that is not the case.
“No sleep, no sex.” – Numb by P!nk

I guess this is my life right now & I have to bite the bullet, but when does it get easier? I need better days and more sleep (also peace of mind). Thank God for the 4-day weekend coming up.

Retrieved from: “I Can’t Sleep” Journal (Personal Property)
Pictures from Bing Search except Kourtney Kardashian, Facebook.com, Kourtney Kardashian Page