I thank God I am seeing better days! I can look back on my past, see my present and be thankful. I remember when I had $4 to my name and had a billion bills to pay.

So…in these types of situations….there is always a way out, and that my friend is the hustle. While I was in the Army, I would create resumes or LinkedIn profiles for transitioning soldiers. Also, the pawn shop became my best friend, even though I never stepped foot in one my entire life. I remember staying up to the “wee hours” doing resumes or pawning jewelry or video games for gas money and cigarettes. THOSE WERE THE DAYS……AAAAHHHH!!
On the other end….have you ever thought about going to the EXTREME to meet your needs? Sometimes doing certain things to obtain money aren’t good, but trust…I’ve been there. I remember one time in NC when the bills needed to get paid. I was so broke, it was ridiculous. I started to cry and have a hissy fit. My husband just left me, I’m 4,000 miles away from family, and just — miserable. So, for some odd reason….I took it upon myself to look online for jobs at strips clubs. I already took a few pole classes and had some skills, so I thought I would be good!

I know that sounds crazy with the fact I grew up as a Pastor’s kid and my Christian upbringing, but I honestly didn’t see a way out. My parents were doing all they could to help and I couldn’t keep asking them. I had an Army friend that would loan me money too. He was a lifesaver and I paid him back every single dime, but doesn’t asking for money get old? Thank God the gentleman’s club never EVER called me, because I would of took it in a heartbeat!!! I felt like I would of been degrading myself for some paper. But when hard times are in the “here and now”, you never think of humiliation or degradation. God closed the doors and knew I would be in worst shape if I put myself out there like that.

https://youtu.be/-fzTDCcfRgQ – Life of a Stripper Documentary P.O.P.

I always hear interesting things at my current job, but one co-worker told me how she used to be a “Sex Phone Operator” and how it made good money. I don’t judge or knock someone’s struggle or hustle, but could I do something like that? I know people have their own fantasies and fetishes, but imagine me screaming in my bedroom or office something dirty to a stranger on the phone? I had to laugh at myself, because I got a pretty good mental picture of it.

In conclusion to this blog, someone might be reading this and going through, but I promise you…THINGS WILL GET BETTER! Through all the hell I’ve endured back in 2013, the payback came in such a beautiful way. I ended up getting $40k from the Army, re-furnished my home, paid off bills, and landed a “respectable” job (HR) 3 months after I left the service. Good things happen to those who wait. You just have to be patient and keep the faith.

Tijera : )