Let’s get off cuddle therapy for a bit and talk about immunity. I just found out a close family member caught the “Brewski” and prayers to him for sure. 🙏🙏🙏
As for myself, I know I am still working on things regarding my health (i.e. drinking water, working out, etc.), but health is wealth. 💯
I might not look it, but I’m getting older each and every day. I want to be healthy for myself and my daughter. I don’t want to age before my time for sure. I’m all for others getting plastic surgery and other enhancements, but I don’t think surgery is a route I want to take.
Here are the supplements I take 💊:
Spirulina Chlorella
Moringa Leaf
Multi + Pre Natal Vitamins
Maca Root
Lion’s Mane
Mushrooms (supplement, not the drug people!)
Make sure you drink lots of water and fruit juice while taking these supplements. I need to do better for sure because I LOVE Pepsi!!! 😀
Cheers to good health and immunity! 🍾
Porsha 💋