My name is Tijera Slack. I’m in my early 30’s, divorced, college student double majoring in Public Relations + Human Resources Mgmt., and a U.S. Army Veteran. I am a Southern California Native who enjoys Fashion, writing, music, beaches, traveling, reading, and spending quality time with family.

I’ve always had a passion to write as a child. I still have a collection of all my journals from age 13 until now. So why did I get into blogging???…..
I first started blogging when my unit deployed to Iraq for 15 months. This event was the hardest thing I had to endure in my life! I became very depressed, very homesick, and also went through a breakup (my ex was cheating). It was not the best of times and it was difficult to vent how I felt in regards to the war, my feelings, and my environment. We have very limited speech in the military, so instead of venting to my battle buddies, I used Myspace (when it was really popular. I still use it though…) as my “emotional” outlet. I did this for my sanity and peace of mind, but received a lot of positive feedback and support from other deployed service members, contractors, and Middle Eastern locals. I was glad that I was able to touch someone’s heart with my experiences.
Once I came back from the war, in one piece (Thank God!), I was sent to Europe (Germany). This was a blessing and curse in disguise. I dreamed of living in Europe, so I continued to blog on Myspace, but also used Travbuddy.com to review places and restaurants as a side-hobby. As time went on, I started to blog less, due to gruelsome 60-80 weeks and a turbulent marriage. I became again depressed and felt emotionally bound from writing or expressing myself.
Fast forward to my life now, I just separated from the service with an honorable discharge this June (2014) and enjoying my life. I’m back in California enjoying my time with family, newly divorced/single; enjoying the power of making my own decisions regarding my career and well-being, and continuing my academic studies.
I stated above that I’m double majoring in Human Resources & Public Relations. My goals with these careers are to find employment in the HR field, but also gain more experience with Public Relations. I am mostly interested with Fashion PR and look forward to attending the PR Confidential Fashion Workshop in October of this year. Also, I would like to participate through volunteering for different events in Los Angeles (i.e. Fashion Week), since this place is surrounded by Fashion & Entertainment.

For now, I’m a Human Resources Intern with VAIN LLC! To me, this experience is a dream job! I’m learning so much in terms of Human Resources, but surrounded by Fashion and Entertainment news 24/7! I feel like I’m having more fun than working. Also, I believe I work with a great team. Most females get all catty with claws coming out, but we work and communicate in the most amazing way! With that being said, all good things do come to an end, so I take everyday with stride, confidence, and with a child-like mind to live, believe, and dream.
I hope everyone reading my posts will understand that we are human, all have problems/hang-ups, and sometimes are confused on what direction to take in life. I want you to know that you can never give up on yourself or your dreams. YOU…yes, I’m talking to YOU (EARTH to your brain) can be anything you put your mind to! I was told growing up that Fashion does not bring in money, and in some instances, cash flow may take time, but over the years, I couldn’t stay away from fashion & beauty. So instead of being the model/singer/actress, I can work with these professionals on a daily basis. So, God Bless you all and never quit! Carpe Diem!!!