My Personal Evolution & Rules to Fashion
July 27, 2014
While I was in T.J. Maxx shopping earlier today for clothes shopping (I didn’t start that way…I was only there to purchase 2 lamps for my living room and candles), I was wishing Alexa Chung or Tyra Banks were with me to look for outfits (lol). I needed that “Celebrity” advice.
#Viva La Fashion!!!!!

I’m very just excited about the fact that I can express myself through my clothing and accessories!! I swear since I separated from the military, my “fashion sense” has stepped its game up! This fashion “third eye” was always there, but it was watered down with combat boots and over-sized fatigues. I always tried to be a trendsetter, but “Uncle Sam” wasn’t having that crap. Uniformity was his motto. UGH……. : (

I decided to make some rules for myself in terms of fashion….

1. I will shop at least every 3 months and by the season. This way I have clothes for all year around. I mostly do lay-a-way so I don’t get into debt with credit cards (I have enough of those already…THE DEVIL!!!).
2. Always have my face in fashion magazines for the newest trends. This is important so I don’t become “outdated”.

3. Clean my closet out of unwanted clothes and accessories every Fall and Spring. I enjoy giving back to the community. Plus, I have really NICE STUFF, so someone in need or wants to shop less should my find clothes inspiring and fashionable.

4. The remaining clothing and accessories should be used to mix & match with other pieces in my personal collection. I enjoy doing this because I can experiment with different looks and make my clothing to more use than sitting on a hanger, then going to the thrift shop or charity.
As for my new collection, it’s sitting in the lay-a-way room in T.J. Maxx and hopefully in a few weeks, it will reunite with me and reside in my closet! : )